Site announcements

New Academy

by System Administrator -

We are pleased to announce that a new academy with full featured facilities, is avialable now for all the students in Islamabad F-10.

Certificates Distribution

by System Administrator -

Certificates will be distributed among the Student who have completed their courses from NAVTC on 20th of September 2024.

Available courses

Join us at the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg for an insightful Expert Meeting on AI and TVET.


Join us at the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg for an insightful Expert Meeting on AI and TVET.

Learning Objectives:

Discover the latest developments in AI teacher training programs, AI applications, and the integration of AI into higher education. Gain valuable insights into the competencies needed for future jobs and practical strategies for incorporating AI into curricula and training programs.


Engage with cutting-edge research and best practices in AI and TVET Network with international experts and stakeholders Develop actionable strategies to integrate AI into education and training programmes Experience state of the art training & research facilities in action/hands on Explore the future competencies needed for an AI driven workforce Learn about industry use cases first hand and on-site.

Target Group:

Educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers

This course is designed to sensitize for and introduce immersive learning in a practice-oriented way. It introduces the spectrum of Mixed Reality (XR) with its technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 360-degree video and 3D. The course enables participants to get to know the different learning technologies and to get hands on experiences. The training shows where 
and how learning processes can be improved in a meaningful way with XR.


This course is designed to sensitize for and introduce immersive learning in a practice-oriented way. It introduces the spectrum of Mixed Reality (XR) with its technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 360-degree video and 3D. The course enables participants to get to know the different learning technologies and to get hands on experiences. The training shows where 
and how learning processes can be improved in a meaningful way with XR.

Learning Objectives:

 On completion of the training, participants

  •  know basics about the 21st Century technologies – XR (VR, 360, 3D, AR)
  •  know the basics of „Immersive Learning“ and the usage of VR/AR in 
    training situations
  •  are able to identify when and where VR/AR methodology can be 
    integrated into the teaching environment
  •  are able to design didactical units in TVET using VR/AR
  • know necessary appropriate equipment, software/programmes and 
    physical learning environment
  •  enhance consulting competence when setting up TVET courses and program activities, incl. VR/AR

  •  Introduction VR/AR in TVET
  •  How does VR/AR support to gain vocational action 
  • competence? Advantages and limitations
  •  New roles and competencies in digital environment
  •  Framework conditions, technical equipment, and requirements for a VR environment
  • Implications for teaching and training - how do we want to teach and learn in future?
  • VR/AR learning processes 
  • Technical characteristics
  • Set up and design of selected VR/AR environments 
  • Technical characteristics and specifications of technical equipment
Target Group:

  • International experts specialised in TVET training
  • TVET teachers / In-company trainers in the context of GIZ projects
  • Private sector stakeholders
  • employees from GIZ who deal with TVET and sector projects

  •  Virtual or blended learning format 
    using, e.g.:
  • flipped classroom
  • synchronous and asynchronous 
  • break-out and plenary sessions, 
    (interactive) videos, quizzes, knowledge tests, practical 

To immerse yourself in other worlds, the introductory module "Immersive Learning Basics" of the course "21stCentury Technologies for Teaching and Learning - VR/AR/XR" is an ideal way. This module is designed to sensitize for and introduce immersive learning in a practice-oriented way. It introduces the spectrum of Mixed Reality (XR) with its technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 360-degree video and 3D.


To immerse yourself in other worlds, the introductory module "Immersive Learning Basics" of the course "21st Century Technologies for Teaching and Learning - VR/AR/XR" is an ideal way. This module is designed to sensitise for and introduce immersive learning in a practice-oriented way. It introduces the spectrum of Mixed Reality (XR) with its technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 360-degree video and 3D.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants

  • know the basics of „Immersive Learning“, and the usage of VR/AR in
    training situations
  • know basics about the 21st century technologies
    • XR
    • VR
    • 360-degree
    • 3D
    • AR
  • enhance consulting competence when setting up TVET courses and
    programme activities, incl. XR/VR /AR

This module takes place in two half-day sessions face-to-face in English. It is the first of four modules.

  • Basics of 21st century technologies -XR (VR, 360, 3D, AR)
  • Basics of "Immersive Learning" and the usage of VR/AR in training
  • Introduction to XR/VR/AR in TVET 

Target Group:

  • GIZ employees who deal with TVET and sector projects
  • GIZ employees who are involved, in advising and designing training measures
  • International experts specialized in TVET training
  • TVET teachers / In-company trainers in the context of GIZ projects
  • Private sector stakeholders


We also offer complementary training on the following topics:

  • Basics and new Trends of TVET in international Development Cooperation
  • Classroom Training If you are interested in the complete course with 4 modules,
  • you can find more information here: learning.giz

This course addresses GIZ advisors aiming at strengthening their capacities to support project partners in the field of management of TVET institutions and other training providers. 21st Century Leadership in the
educational sector is based on an appreciative growth-mindset attitude
which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded by the
management. The course provides an overview of the theory and practice of
modern leadership competencies and behaviours in TVET, and the processes
needed to initiate a corresponding change process in the institutional environment. The concept of transformational leadership combined with new approaches to agile and change management tools and methods will form the focus of the programme.


This course addresses GIZ advisors aiming at strengthening their capacities to support project partners in the field of management of TVET institutions and other training providers. 21st Century Leadership in the
educational sector is based on an appreciative growth-mindset attitude
which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded by the
management. The course provides an overview of the theory and practice of
modern leadership competencies and behaviours in TVET, and the processes
needed to initiate a corresponding change process in the institutional environment. The concept of transformational leadership combined with new approaches to agile and change management tools and methods will form the focus of the programme.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants

  • are aware of the interlinkages between 21st century leadership, 21st century education and 21st century skills
  • know instruments to create a school environment that fosters and enables innovation and change projects
  • are able to distinguish transformational leadership from traditional leadership principles and deduce appropriate measures for changes in training institutions
  • are able to identify demands with regard to institutional capacity related to the implementation of change projects and 21st century leadership in the partner institution
  • are able to advice partner

  • Concepts of change management (Kurt Lewin, John Kotter), Cycle of
  • Concept of 21st century leadership and 21st century education (growth
    vs. fixed mindset)
  • Encouraging innovation as an institutional attitude
  • Communication concepts (e.g., appreciative, and non-violent communication, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and communication as a leader)
Target Group:

GIZ employees working for a TVET programme or other sector projects with
TVET elements


Virtual format e.g., implemented with the following methods:

  • Action orientation / Cooperative work
  • Webinar / E-coaching
  • Synchronous / asynchronous
  • Individual work / self-learning

This introductory course provides an overview of TVET management from a
quality perspective. The training introduces different areas which contribute to quality in TVET. The practice-oriented approach enables participants to analyse the status quo of processes in their working environment regarding the identified quality areas. This provides a basis to identify and prioritise
areas with needs for quality enhancement in their institution.


This introductory course provides an overview of TVET management from a
quality perspective. The training introduces different areas which contribute to quality in TVET. The practice-oriented approach enables participants to analyse the status quo of processes in their working environment regarding the identified quality areas. This provides a basis to identify and prioritise
areas with needs for quality enhancement in their institution.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants:

  • are able to distinguish basic elements
    of quality management and quality
  • know quality areas relevant to TVET
  • are able to identify and describe
    various processes in their institutions
    related to the quality areas.
  • are able to deduct needs for quality
    enhancement in their working context.

  • Introduction to quality management and quality assurance in TVET
    Quality areas in TVET
  • Quality standards, indicators, and criteria
  • Definition of Quality Processes in TVET institutions
  • Mapping of different types of processes in participants’ institutions
  • Prioritization of quality areas in participants’ working environment
    and at national level
  • Institution-based inventory of quality management and quality assurance
Target Group:

  • TVET management staff
  • Decision makers from relevant
    ministries, authorities, and institutions

Face-to-face format recommended , other formats on request.
The implementation of the training considers interactive methods and
encourages participants to transfer the gained knowledge to their working

Additional options bookable on request:

  • Online coaching  (e.g., for transfer support)
  • Further training for a deep dive into the different quality areas. For topic
    areas, please see Management of TVET Institutions

The course aims to empower management and teaching staff of TVET institutions to initiate and develop cooperation with the industry / the
private sector. It guides the participants through the different areas of
cooperation and how to engage in public private partnerships from
analysing frame conditions, to making the first contact, later on planning and
conducting cooperation until evaluating and continuous improvement of the
involved processes.


The course aims to empower management and teaching staff of TVET institutions to initiate and develop cooperation with the industry / the
private sector. It guides the participants through the different areas of
cooperation and how to engage in public private partnerships from
analysing frame conditions, to making the first contact, later on planning and
conducting cooperation until evaluating and continuous improvement of the
involved processes.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants:

  • are able to describe the different areas, challenges, benefits and process
    of cooperation
  • are able to initiate cooperation
  • are able to discuss the benefits of different stakeholder and arguments
    for engagement
  • are able to plan, prepare, conduct and evaluate cooperation

  • Different areas and types of cooperation between business
    sectors and TVET Institutions
  • Practical and systematic operationalization of most relevant
    approaches of cooperation for the target group
  • Quality management, development and improvement of already existing cooperation
  • Cost and benefit of cooperation for all stakeholders Stakeholder interests and responsibilities
  • Identifying suitable companies for cooperation
  • Cooperation process and challenges
Target Group:

  • Lecturers and teachers
  • TVET executives and decision makers
  • National TVET experts and consultants

This training can be booked for groups of up to 18 people. The price for the online training is 12,000.00 Euro; additional costs apply for face-to-face training.

The aims to empower teaching staff of TVET institutions and universities to
improve their teaching and learning methodology by introducing them into
the concept and philosophy of CBET, which is the fundament for all modern
TVET approaches, methods and standards. It focusses on the transformation from traditional input oriented teaching and rote learning to more modern, effective and outcomes oriented approaches, focusing on the students, their learning outcomes and the world of work.


The aims to empower teaching staff of TVET institutions and universities to
improve their teaching and learning methodology by introducing them into
the concept and philosophy of CBET, which is the fundament for all modern
TVET approaches, methods and standards. It focusses on the transformation from traditional input oriented teaching and rote learning to more modern, effective and outcomes oriented approaches, focusing on the students, their learning outcomes and the world of work.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants

  • are able to explain and apply the principles of competence-based
    education and related concepts
  • are able to comprehend competence based occupational and training
  • are able to draft competence-based syllabi, lesson and training plans
  • are able to plan and conduct competence-based assessment

  • Competence concepts, definitions, characteristics and criteria
  • Competence-based occupational standards and curricula
  • Learning objectives, learning outcomes, performance criteria
  • Competence-based syllabi and lesson plans 
  • Assessment methods and planning
Target Group:

  • TVET teachers
  • Lecturers who qualify TVET teachers

We also offer complemantary trainings:

  • Competence-Based Curriculum
  • Development and Mapping
  • Action-Oriented and Student Centered Teaching and Learning
  • Quality Teaching in the Classroom

A greener economy requires a workforce with adequate green skills. The participants will learn which concepts of green transitions are currently discussed on system and on company level and explore what their respective implications are for green jobs and green skills development.


A greener economy requires a workforce with adequate green skills. The participants will learn which concepts of green transitions are currently discussed on system and on company level and explore what their respective implications are for green jobs and green skills development.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the training, participants:

  • are able to describe policies, strategies and concepts on green economy,
    green skills and green jobs
  • are able to name international initiatives, approaches and standards for greening companies
  • can derive green competence requirements for different groups of employees from these standards

  • The concept and approaches of (inclusive) green economy in the context of sustainable development on different implementation levels
  • Green jobs and green competences Green occupations and greening
    occupational profiles 
  • International initiatives, approaches, and standards for greening companies
  • International case studies (e.g. from environmental TVET to TVET towards sustainable development)
Target Group:

  • TVET experts
  • TVET management staff
  • Decision makers from relevant ministries, authorities and institutions
  • Private sector stakeholders (from all occupational fields)
  • GIZ staff

Following a systematic overview of the key labour market challenges in developing countries, the focus of the course will be on the basic concepts of
employment promotion and specific approaches surrounding labour market


Following a systematic overview of the key labour market challenges in developing countries, the focus of the course will be on the basic concepts of
employment promotion and specific approaches surrounding labour market

Learning Objectives:

In this training course, you will learn about

  • Relevance and impact of employment in the development context
  • Trends and Special Features of labour markets in developing countries
  • Theoretical models and classification of different types of unemployment
  • Active labour market policy and employment promotion
  • Employment promotion in contexts of conflict, fragility and violence
  • Digitalisation and the Future of Work
Target Group:

You are a member of the GIZ staff team or an external customer, i.e. a member of national or international staff in an implementing agency and your work in the field of labour market policy and employment promotions.


We also offer complementary training on the following topics

  • Evidence of employment effects