This course addresses GIZ advisors aiming at strengthening their
capacities to support project partners in the field of management
of TVET institutions and other training providers. 21st Century
Leadership in the
educational sector is based on an appreciative growth-mindset
which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded
by the
management. The course provides an overview of the theory and
practice of
modern leadership competencies and behaviours in TVET, and the
needed to initiate a corresponding change process in the
institutional environment. The concept of transformational
leadership combined with new approaches to agile and change
management tools and methods will form the focus of the
- Teacher: System Administrator
This course addresses GIZ advisors aiming at strengthening their
capacities to support project partners in the field of management
of TVET institutions and other training providers. 21st Century
Leadership in the
educational sector is based on an appreciative growth-mindset
which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded
by the
management. The course provides an overview of the theory and
practice of
modern leadership competencies and behaviours in TVET, and the
needed to initiate a corresponding change process in the
institutional environment. The concept of transformational
leadership combined with new approaches to agile and change
management tools and methods will form the focus of the
On completion of the training, participants
- are aware of the interlinkages between 21st century leadership, 21st century education and 21st century skills
- know instruments to create a school environment that fosters and enables innovation and change projects
- are able to distinguish transformational leadership from traditional leadership principles and deduce appropriate measures for changes in training institutions
- are able to identify demands with regard to institutional capacity related to the implementation of change projects and 21st century leadership in the partner institution
- are able to advice partner
- Concepts of change management (Kurt Lewin, John Kotter),
Cycle of
Change - Concept of 21st century leadership and 21st century education
vs. fixed mindset) - Encouraging innovation as an institutional attitude
- Communication concepts (e.g., appreciative, and non-violent communication, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and communication as a leader)
GIZ employees working for a TVET programme or other sector
projects with
TVET elements
Virtual format e.g., implemented with the following methods:
- Action orientation / Cooperative work
- Webinar / E-coaching
- Synchronous / asynchronous
- Individual work / self-learning

This introductory course provides an overview of TVET
management from a
quality perspective. The training introduces different areas
which contribute to quality in TVET. The practice-oriented
approach enables participants to analyse the status quo of
processes in their working environment regarding the identified
quality areas. This provides a basis to identify and
areas with needs for quality enhancement in their institution.
- Teacher: System Administrator
This introductory course provides an overview of TVET management
from a
quality perspective. The training introduces different areas
which contribute to quality in TVET. The practice-oriented
approach enables participants to analyse the status quo of
processes in their working environment regarding the identified
quality areas. This provides a basis to identify and
areas with needs for quality enhancement in their institution.
On completion of the training, participants:
- are able to distinguish basic elements
of quality management and quality
assurance. - know quality areas relevant to TVET
management. - are able to identify and describe
various processes in their institutions
related to the quality areas. - are able to deduct needs for quality
enhancement in their working context.
- Introduction to quality management and quality assurance
Quality areas in TVET - Quality standards, indicators, and criteria
- Definition of Quality Processes in TVET institutions
- Mapping of different types of processes in participants’ institutions
- Prioritization of quality areas in participants’ working
and at national level - Institution-based inventory of quality management and
quality assurance
- TVET management staff
- Decision makers from relevant
ministries, authorities, and institutions
Face-to-face format recommended , other formats on request.
The implementation of the training considers interactive methods
encourages participants to transfer the gained knowledge to their
Additional options bookable on request:
- Online coaching (e.g., for transfer support)
- Further training for a deep dive into the different quality
areas. For topic
areas, please see Management of TVET Institutions