The core purpose of this qualification is to produce employable garment experts who could operate all machines used in garment industry according to national and internationalstandards. In addition this qualification will prepare unemployed youth to get employment in garment sector.

Code Comptency Standards Level Credits
021200683 Prepare prototype 3 10
021200684 Verify fabric quality 3 14
021200685 Perform fabric cutting for production 3 8
021200686 Operate feed of arm chain stitching machine 3 14
021200687 Operate waist band stitching machine 3 5
021200688 Make button holes 3 4
021200689 Operate button attach machine 3 4
021200690 Operate bar tack machine 3 6
102200846 Apply Work Health and Safety Practices (WHS) 3 3
041700840 Identify and Implement Workplace Policy and Procedures 2 3
001100852 Communicate at Workplace 3 3
061100858 Perform Computer Application Skills 3 4
041300867 Manage Personal Finances 3 3
Credit Range:
Compulsory Elective
81 0
Equivalencies, cross credits, pre requisites:

Entry for assessment for this qualification is open. However entry into formal training institute for this qualification is person having National Vocational Certificate level 2, in (Textile Sector) “Industrial Stitching Machine Operator”

Requirements for accumulation of credits:


Requirement for the award of the Qualification:


ISCED Classification: 0212